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DIGITAL - 2024 - SSBC 2024

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The Hughes brothers have been performing together for 43 years— 29 years of whichhave been in Branson. They've been harmonizing and performing as a group since theyoungest brother, Andy, was only two years old. This undoubtedly accounts for theirmusical flexibility and vocals, dance, instrumentals, and connection with theiraudience.The brothers started with many natural talents, but they have also had a great amountof professional training and experience. From private instructors to college experiencein the arts, they have received the best education available. Individually they havestarred in many musicals, but the majority of their professional career has been inBranson performing together. Having produced one of Branson’s top shows for 29years, they have been awarded Branson’s Best Show, Entertainers of The Year, BestProduction, Best Vocal Group, and Best Christmas Show — just to name a few. Fromthe five Hughes brothers to now more than fifty family members on stage, their showhas been branded “the world's largest performing family” by USA TODAY. The grouphas also recorded a number of albums. For years, the Hughes Brothers have strived toraise the level of joy and happiness in all people by providing excellent, inspiringentertainment. The brothers feel incredibly blessed to be able to make a living doingwhat they love. They are also happy they can teach their children what they love. However, their desire to help children goes beyond their own, as they understand theincredible impact music can have on a child's mind and heart, not to mention theworld. Specifically, they strive to help young people who love the performing artsreach their creative potential without compromising their values. The brothers believecountless lives can be changed by creative artists who want to transform the worldthrough inspiring entertainment. That is why the Hughes Brothers have created theSong and Stage Bootcamp.

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Master ClassLocations

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To blameTo destroyTo mockTo hurtTo baffle To inciteTo bullyTo commandTointimidateTo hideTo challenge To cajoleTo beguile To seduceTo arouseTo bewitchTo feed To sootheTo comfortTo gladenTo unburdenTo impressTo amazeTo provoke laughtTo gagTo acquaintTo addressTo confideTo enlightenTo confirmTo worshipTo pontificate TobearTo tolerateTo MarshallTo mobilizeTo beckonTo spurTo baitTo goadTo persudeTo henpeckTo correctTo horrifyTo disheartenTo suplicateTo obliterateTo angerTo lampoonTo injureTo strikeTo befuddleTo frustrateTo swindleTo catchTo ensnareTo reactTo cloakTo nulifyTo dareTo repulseTo banterTo tickleTo courtTo indulgeTo acceptTo helpTo validateTo inspireTo amuseTo admonishTo deduceTo considerTo promptTo warnTo motivateTo stretchTo alarmTo insultTo cauxTo humbleTo dictateTo frightenTo dominateTo terifyTo squashTo antaganizeTo mimicTo woundTo bushwhackTo,bluffTo fuddleTo thwartTo dicrediteTo entrapTo scoldTo conTo perplexTo defyTo resistTo alertTo nauseateTo tauntTointimadateTo directTo alarmTo eradicateTo tyranizeTo,ravageTo begTo parrotTo distressTo defameTo brainwashTo hoodwinkTo trickTo chargeTo frameTo sufferTo concealTo playcateTo deterTo scutinaizeTo brownnoseTo charmTo drawTo persueTo allowTo mendTo freeTo apealTo elicitTo affirmTo entreatTocorroborateTo , p ro miseTo mre me d yTo musterTo suggestTo anticipateTo offendTo imploreTo lambastTo forceTo warnTo,frightenTo shameTo belittleTo patronizeTo bruiseTo devastateTo censureTo hypnotizeTo entangleTo chatizeTo implicateTo tarnishTo coverTo repelTo dissuadeTo stripTo weedleTo enticeTo enchantTo proposeTo acquitTo overlookTo supportTo astoundTo entertainTo arrangeTo entrustTo detectTo,readTo organizeTo warnTo concernTo panicTo abolishTo persecuteTo hushTo shockTo humiliateTo slanderTo chideTo ridiculeTo tormentTo disgraceTo cheatTo impairTo stymieTo colludeTo insinuateTo vilifyTo deceieveTo repressTo disstessTo uprootTo lureTo mesmerizeTo endearTo pursueTo aidTo pleaseTo liberateTo inspireTo humerTo assessTo evaluateTo divineTo sanctifyTo cautionTo pledgeTo raveTo disgustTo prickTo attackTo shuneTo induceTo affrontTo lectureTo slurTo condescendTo imitateTo abuseTo misuseTo confoundTo manipulateTo mistifyTo condemnTo judgeTo discreditTo deny To schemeTo interviewTo verifyTo assistTo enchantTo inticeTo tantalizeTo approachTo rectifyTo reiterateTo convinceTo performToauthenticateTo gaugeTo educateTo simplifyTo coddleTo prevailTo beseechTo displeaseTo prodTo badgerTo tortureTo summonTo berateTo malignTo smotherTo crush To needleTo sickenTo confuseTo preoccupyTo critizizeTo muffleTo reprimandTo dodgeTo shroudTo opposeTo vindicate To babyTo flirtTo placateTo teaseTo boostTo releaseTo settleTo delightTo poseTo blessTo inviteTo evaluate To soberTo disencumberTo promateTo bidTo dramatizeTo,provokeTo declaimTo victimize To coerceTo mortifyTo coaxTo inspireTo spellbindTo temptTo easeTo sedateTo engrossTo supriseTo calculateTo negotiateTo elucidateTostubstantiateTo endureTo propelTo callTo enflameTo revoltTo hassleTo crucifyTo demeanTo abaseTo aflictTo ailTo defraudTo divertTo propagandizeTo spoil To curseTo DamnTo nagTo prosecuteTo evadeTo maskTo squelchTo suppress TopressTo,rubukeTo rejectTo discourageTo smotherTo To alureTo titillateTo wowTo excuseTo stillTo inspireTo tickleTo clarifyTo studyTo indoctrinateTo understandTo prayTo , ra lly

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The Elements of DanceDOES WHAT?WHERE?Ask: WHO? WHEN? HOW?Answer: A dancer moves through space and time with energyB.A.S.T.E.BODY ACTION SPACE TIME ENERGYConceptsInner SelfPatterns Initiation Body ShapesBody SystemsWhole Body Parts of the Body A xialTravelingLaban Effort ActionsSizeLevelPlacePlaneFocusPathwayDirectionRelationshipsBeatSpeedTempoAccentDurationRhythmic PatternTiming RelationshipsFlowForceAttackTensionWeightEnergy Qualities(in bold font)with somesuggestionsfor word lists anddescriptorsunder eachconcept.MusclesBonesOrgansB re athBalanceReflexesCoreDistalMid-limbBody PartsSensesPerceptionsEmotionsThoughtsIntentionImaginationDesign and use of the entire bodySymmetrical/AsymmetricalRoundedTwistedAngularArabesqueHead, eyes, torso, shoulders,fingers, legs, feet, etc.Upper/lower body, homologous,contralateral, midline, etc.PressWringSlashPunch FlickDabGlideFloatOpen ------------Close Rise ---------Sink or Fall Stretch -----------Bend Twist -------------TurnCrawl, creep, roll. scoot,, leap, jump, gallop. slide.hop, skip, do-si-do, chainé turns.... and many more! Sagittal (Wheel)Vertical (Door)Horizontal (Table) Traveling, traced in aircurved, straight,angular,zig-zag, etc. Inward --------OutwardDirect ---------IndirectForward ------BackwardUpward ------DownwardSideward -----DiagonallyLiner ---------Rotating High --------------Low Small ------------Large In Place -------Traveling In Front ---Behind/BesideOver -----------UnderAlone --------ConnectedNear -------------FarIndividual & group proximity to objectB efo reAf te rUnisonSooner ThanFaster ThanFast -------------SlowQuick ------------Slow Single ---------Multiple OnBeat -----SyncopatedPredictable- -Unpredictable Brief ------------Long Steady ---------Uneven Patterned ----------FreeMetricBreath, 2/4, 6/8, etcwaves,Polyrhythmsword cues,Cross-rhythmevent cues,Talafelt timeBound (Controlled) ---Free Sharp ----------SmoothSudden -------Sustained Strong ----------Gentle Tight -----------Loose Heavy -----------LightStrength: push, horizontal, impactedLightness: resist the down, initiate up Resiliency: rebound, even up and down Vigorous, languid, furious,melting, droopy, wild, lightly,jerkily, sneakily, timidly, proudly,sharp, smooth, sudden, sustained etc.(in place)(locomotor)This is just a starting list ofmovements. Many techniqueshave specific names for similaractions. “Sauté” is a ballet termfor “jump.”© 2011 Perpich Center for Arts EducationMay be reproduced for professional development and classroom use by teachers

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RYAN HUGHESIn st ruc to rWith 44 years of experience performingwith his brothers, Ryan is a commandingpresence on stage, . He stands at 6'1" andis known for his athletic agility andstrength. Ryan's vocal range is impressive, and hecan sing a wide variety of styles anddynamics, including power ballads,Broadway tunes, love songs, pop songs,harmonies, and country solos. He alsoplays the bass guitar. Although usually quiet, Ryan has a greatsense of humor that he shows through hisad-libs and voice impressions. He hasplayed leading roles in musicalproductions such as Anything Goes andCarousel, and also does accounting forHughes Entertainment, Inc.

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CARINA HUGHESIn st ruc to rCarina is a classically trained ballet dancer whobegan dancing at age three. She performed in TheNutcracker starting at a young age and continuedthroughout her school years, advancing to perform inall the major roles, including the role of Sugar PlumFairy for four seasons. As a high school student, shestudied on the university level, and there became amember of the Utah Ballet Company. While part ofthe company, she quickly advanced in rank toprincipal dancer, performing many leading roles.Carina also received training with the San FranciscoBallet School, summer intensive program on fullscholarship at age 15, and with Pacific NorthwestBallet School at age 16. Additionally, she receivedscholarships to study with the Joffrey Ballet andBoston Ballet schools. Some of her favorite principal roles are: Sugar PlumFairy from The Nutcracker, Swanhilda fromCoppélia; as staged by Willam Christensen, and therole of Odette/Odile from Swan Lake. At age 20,Carina was offered a contract as a soloist to dancewith The Tulsa Ballet, but turned it down, choosinginstead to marry Ryan Hughes, one of theperforming Hughes Brothers in Branson, Missouri.Carina, using the discipline of ballet with its strongtechnical core, has also become accomplished inmany styles of dance. During the last 20-plus yearsperforming as part of the much-awarded HughesBrothers Show, she has utilized all those styles.Excellent technique, passion, and dedicated focuson quality of movement, are strengths that showeach time Carina takes the stage to perform.

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DR. MACKENZIE ROMRIELLIn st ruc to rDr. Mackenzie Romriell, Director of VocalStudies at Southern Virginia University,leads a thriving voice studio, teaches vocalpedagogy, literature, and diction, conductsthe treble choir, Bella Voce, and directsthe university a cappella group, Accolade. As a performer, some of Mackenzie’sfavorite roles include Lady Bracknell from“The Importance of Being Earnest”,Dorabella from “Cosi fan tutte”, Zita from“Gianni Schicchi”, Baba from “TheMedium”, the Witch from “Hänsel andGretel”, and Mrs. Potts from “Beauty andthe Beast”. She received her Bachelor of Musicdegree in Vocal Performance from IdahoState University and her Master’s Degreeand Doctorate in Vocal Performance,minoring in Stage Directing, from theUniversity of Arizona.

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JASON HUGHESIn st ruc to rJason, one of the five performing HughesBrothers, is the producer, director, andchoreographer of the Hughes Brothersshows as well as other Bransonproductions. He is also a co-owner ofHughes Entertainment, Inc. He was a Music/Dance/Theatre major incollege and has performed in thousands ofshows throughout his life. Jason hasstarred in more than 30 leading musicaltheatre roles, and has won awards (toonumerous to mention) for his dramatic andvocal performances. He played the leading role in West SideStory, South Pacific, Kiss Me Kate,Anything Goes, and 110 Degrees in theShade, just to name a few. Jason is a qualified and experienceddirector and choreographer and loveshelping young people learn how to magnifytheir talents. He knows what it takes tobecome an “ultimate entertainer.” Jason isalso a Vocal and Performance MasterClass Instructor, Workshop Presenter, andthe director of the Song and StageBootcamp.

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KRISTINA HUGHES SMITHIn st ruc to r"Boss Lady" or Head of Staffing, KristinaHughes-Smith has performedprofessionally for over 25 years inBranson. She is a multi-instrumentalist, and is alsotrained in singing,dancing, performance,and instruction.Kristina has won multiple awards, includingthe winner of the Young ArtistsCompetition in 2011, Female Performer ofthe Year from the Branson Show Awards,and the Best Music award in 2023 from theSATO 48 short film competition. Kristina is passionate about teaching andpreviously directed Youth for Freedom-Midwest. Kristina has also recently has picked uppickleball. She currently teachesviolin, writes music, paints, and enjoysspending time with her family.

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MIKELL SMITHIn st ruc to rMikell Smith has loved musical theater andperfor aming since her first role at 2 ⁄ yearsold. Her lead roles include Amaryllis, TheMusic Man; Mrs. Anna, The King and I; andTracy Turnblad, Hairspray. She studied voicewith Dallyn Vail Bayles and Barry Bounous,and currently is a private tutor and vocalcoach as well as performs live at the HughesBrothers Theater Dinner Show.She has performed professionally at TuacahnAmphitheater in St. George, Utah, and laterreturned as assistant to the casting directorand company managerfor their 2016 season. She served as a highschool theater musicdirector. Mikell also taught U.S.history andChinese immersion at Timpview High Schoolin Provo, Utah where she notoriouslyincorporates musical theater into her classes. Mikell believes that “music performance is notabout you or any individual performer. Do thebest you can to prepare, but when you stepon stage remember it is not about theperformer; it's about inspiring audiences,helping them forget their worries, or justentertaining them for a while.”

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HEATHER PORTERFIELDIn st ruc to rHeather Marie Porterfield is a ColoradoNative who moved to Branson just overtwo years ago to pursue a faith basedperformance career. She graduated from Colorado MesaUniversity with a Bachelors of Fine Arts inMusical Theater in 2021 and since thenhas worked professionally as a singer,actress, stage manager and performancecoach. She is ecstatic to be returning to teach atboot camp for her second year.

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JESSIE HUGHESIn st ruc to rJessie has been a Singer/entertainer for mostof her life. She has over 20 years ofexperience on stage. Throughout those years she performed inmany family productions, such as: TheHughes Brothers, It, The Hughes Music Showand The Hughes Brothers Christmas Show. In her younger years Jessie enjoyed touringall across the country with her family,performing in locations from New York to LasVegas. Despite having performed in so many excitingplaces, church will always be her favoriteplace to sing. She loves using her talents toglorify God and invite others to follow Him. Jessie believes her greatest blessing in life isher husband Michael and their two beautifuldaughters. She thanks God for them everyday.

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BENJAMIN HUGHESIn st ruc to rIntroducing Benjamin Hughes, a visionarydirector who blends professionalism with adash of whimsy. With a love for singing and dancing,Benjamin infuses his students with acontagious sense of joy and camaraderie. While he loves to crack a silly joke or two,Benjamin always maintains a professionaldemeanor, ensuring that projects runsmoothly and efficiently. His favorite quote is “without darkness wewouldn’t be grateful for light. Withoutskunks we wouldn’t be grateful forflowers.” ~ Benjamin Hughes

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ANDREA BRETTIn st ruc to rFor over 23 years, Andrea Brett co-produced and performed with her family inThe Bretts Show in Branson, Missouri. She and her husband, Tom, are co-founders of The Nest, a singer/songwritervenue in Branson. Andrea is passionateabout original music and was namedBranson’s four-time Songwriter of theYear. Her innovative vocal arrangements are anintegral part of The Bretts' signaturesound. She composes music for piano andrecently released her first piano album,Noel. Her second album of original pianosolos, Perfect Day, will be released thissummer. Andrea is widely known for her skilledcrafting of words. Her patriotic poem, I Ama Veteran, has touched the hearts ofmillions all throughout the United States.Because of Andrea’s dedication to helpingothers reach their creative potential, shehas developed an 8-week class called TheCreativity Course. With her experience asa singer, songwriter, arranger, poet, andcreativity coach, Andrea has become arespected teacher and mentor. Her mostcherished role is that of “Mammy” to herthree kids and 6 grandchildren. To learnmore, visit,

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SOPHEMMA HUGHES - HEAD COUNSELORHello! I am so excited to be a headcounselor this year! Boot Camp is such a fun time filled withfriends and laughter. Growing up I loved performing. I was apart of winter-guard, color-guard, choir,and musicals. Last year I had the opportunity to be in theHughes Christmas show and I loved thechallenge of learning to play the handbells. Currently I am in the Hughes Music Showwith my husband and our family. I cannotwait to see what else life has in store forme and my wonderful husband!

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BUBBLESBubbles is 25 years old. Born and raised inCastle Rock, Colorado, he was alwayscomfortable performing in front of a crowd. Bubbles is quite the comedian and loves toentertain. Although he does not have muchexperience in musical theater, he playedmajor roles in his High School’sadaptations of “Rumors” by Neil Simon,“The Cop and the Anthem” by O. Henry,and “Small Actors” by Stephen Gregg.Bubbles has also worked for the HughesBrothers Theater where he has had theprivilege of observing many differentperformers throughout the years. This is Bubbles’ second time as acounselor for bootcamp. He is excited towatch this year’s kids as they learn newskills and make new friends.Daniel Schmitt

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THE ENFORCERCOLTON SCHMITTColton Schmitt (27) is from Castle Rock,Colorado, and has lived in Branson forover ten years. He has performed his whole life and lovesentertaining people. Colton finallyachieved a lifelong dream by becoming apolice officer this year. This is Colton’s 6th year involved with theSong & Stage Bootcamp. He haspreviously been a counselor, and headcounselor, and is excited to be workingwith this year’s counseling staff! Mentoring youth is his passion. Colton’scharming personality, quick wit, andversatile sense of humor make him a blastto interact with. Oh, and if you have anyolder sisters, he’s single and looks great ina uniform. ;)

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FABAmanda HughesOn September 4, 2006, the world waschanged forever. Amanda Hughes wasborn. From her infancy, Amanda grew up onstage with her family, where she cultivateda love of dancing and choreographing withher sisters. Whenever she has free time, she’sjournaling or learning a new dance. She’s very family oriented. She likeshanging out with her friends and family.She’s in two shows—Revibe and theHughes Music Show. She’s super excitedto be a counselor this year and can’t waitto make a new friends.

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Derek Hughes (28) performs live with his familyin both the Hughes Music Show, and Re-Vibe inBranson Missouri. Derek has always enjoyed putting a smile onpeople’s faces, and one of his favorite ways todo that is through a good show (Second only to areally good pun). With a warm baritone voice,enthusiasm, anddance moves that remind you of wet spaghetti(but “cool” wet spaghetti...), he uses the stageas... well, a stage to excite and move theaudience. With over 25 years of entertainment experienceand a heart set to have fun, he looks forward tosharing a grand old time of learning and laughingwith the youth. Over the years, Derek has taught dance classesin multiple workshops, and worked for 5 years atvarious summer camps for youth. Derek is a proud husband to his wonderful wife,Shiri, and is excited to be a father to a baby boywho is due in August. Always the advocate ofhelping others grow, his accommodating,enthusiastic, hands-on approach to leadingencourages youth to step outside of their comfortzone. He enjoys reading, cooking, dancing, andanything outdoors.GRRDEREK HUGHES

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KING DARTHKing Darth has many passions, his beliefslie with those he loves. Serving in thecommunity and performing on stage anyspare moment he has. In all he sets his sights on, he desires toaccomplish to the best of his ability.Family, music and his love of cultureshave been major influences in his life. Wyatt Gunzel

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SUPER MODELJOSEPH MAXFIELDA veteran of the Song and Stage Bootcamp,this is Joseph’s 5th year working as acounselor. Thanks to excellent training from industryleaders at the Song and Stage Bootcampover the years and private coaching, he iscurrently the lead vocalist for the classic rockcover group The Rock Operatics and has hadthe opportunity to perform at several localvenues individually and in bands. While currently being primarily focused oncommercial music, Joseph has had vast stageexperience in vocal ensembles, dancecompanies, and acting teams. He has workedwith several broadway performers and evenplaced first in state for comedic scenes in hishighschool division; He was also captain ofhis school’s improv team and briefly co taughtan amateur hip hop company through a localstudio while attending college.Joseph currently works as an independentcontractor to allow time to develop his craftand is thrilled to help aspiring musiciansimprove their music, industry knowledge, andconfidence in themselves.

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LADY GCarolyn Anne YoungCarolyn Anne Young is so excited to be acounselor at camp for the 2nd year in arow! Camp has had a tremendous impact on hermusical journey. She’s about to go into herjunior year of college studying VocalMusic, along with many performance andvocal endeavors to come!

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MAUIRex ForemanRex was born in rural Alaska and loves theclown arts such as jugglingand riding a unicycle whenever themoment calls for it (or not). His love for people can only be quantifiedby the amount of freckles on hisbody. His Myers-Briggs personality type cameback to tell him what he alreadyknew...that he is 98% extraverted. His fond childhood memories consist ofgoing up to random people at the grocerystore and asking them how their day isgoing as well as, much to his mothersdismay, telling them his address andasking them to come over for a play date.He is so excited to get to know all of you,but he has already promisedhis mom he will not tell you his address.

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MOTHERCherish TattershallHello everyone! My name is CherishTattershall, and I'm thrilled to be one ofyour counselors this year! I'm fromSkiatook, Oklahoma, and after spendingthree amazing years as a camper, I'mexcited to step into the role of a counselorfor the first time.I recently completed my first year at TulsaCommunity College, where I'm majoring inCriminal Justice. My love for performancehas been evident through my participationin several school plays, including"Pilgrim's Progress" and "Peter Pan."Additionally, I've showcased my talents innumerous talent shows and evenparticipated in a pageant, where I won aticket to Nationals in Hollywood for mysinging!Outside of the arts, I'm passionate aboutplaying basketball, enjoying video games,and watching and critiquing movies. I can'twait to meet everyone and make this campexperience unforgettable for all of us!

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WOLFIEHello everybody! My name is EmeraldBaker and I am a Graphic Design studentat UAFS going on my junior year ofcollege. This is my second year as a counselor andoverall 5th year going to Song and StageBootcamp. While I do not major in music I absolutelylove all things music, especially musicalswhich my favorite being EPIC the musicalat the moment. I enjoy reading, drawing, kayaking, andmuch more. My advice for this year's camp is to not beafraid to try new things, have fun andmake new friends! Emerald Baker

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ABBIE GUNZELStudent Age 14Abbigail Rose Gunzel is a passionateperformer with a love for music and theatrethat shines through every aspect of herlife. With years of experience on stage,she has strengthened her skills in singing,dancing, and acting, and is always eagerto learn more. Her infectious energy anddedication makes her a valuable assetanywhere she goes. When she's notrehearsing or performing, you can oftenfind her reading, learning a new language,picking up a new instrument, takingpictures, or spending time with her friendsand family. Abbie is 14 years old with aheart full of Broadway dreams and a voiceready to take center stage.

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ALEXANDRA HUGHESStudent 18Alexandra is 18 years old and is themiddle child of seven in her family. Sheperforms in ReVibe and the Hughes MusicShow. She has also performed as amagician's assistant in Escape Reality.She continues to surprise audiences with adynamic voice that is beyond her years. Toadd to her versatility in performing,Alexandra takes violin, vocal, and dancelessons, and recently started takinglessons in Ariel silk arts. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking,playing sports, wake boarding, drawing,hanging out with friends, and just havingfun! Oh, she also has a slight obsessionwith Chick-fil-A... ;)

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BRIANNA HASSELLStudent Age 17Brianna Hassell is an ambitious 17 year oldsinger -songwriter. She is Drum Major of her school's MarchingBand for the second year in a row and is aproud "cat mom." In her spare time, Brianna enjoys reading,writing music, and spending time with friends.

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BRYXLIE SWANStudent Age 11Introducing Bryxlie Swan: A Rising Star inNortheast Oklahoma. At just 11 years old,Bryxlie is entering 7th grade with a deep-seated passion for the arts. Born andraised in the scenic landscapes ofNortheast Oklahoma, her musical journeybegan at five years old. Bryxlie’s singing,marked by both purity and power, has wonthe hearts of her community.A versatile performer, Bryxlie excels inyodeling and plays the ukulele, while alsolearning piano. When not performing, sheis a cheerleader, enjoys horseback riding,fishing, and showcases her talent infreehand art. Academically, she consistently makes theprincipal's honor roll at Oklahoma UnionMiddle School and is known for herwelcoming spirit and ability to make lastingconnections.Currently, Bryxlie is attending her secondyear at the Hughes Brothers Song andStage Camp, further honing her artistictalents. Bryxlie Swan is truly a rising star,with a future as bright as the Oklahomasky.

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CARSON SMITHStudent Age 13Carson Smith is from West Memphis, ARand homeschooled. He will beentering the 8 th grade in the fall. He lovesGod, and Chinese and Japanesefood. Carson loves to have fun, laugh, and makenew friends. He plays piano, trumpet, andtennis. He has been in a concert band andchoir called The Shepherd’s Horn for ayear and a half. Carson has also been involved in choirfor 4 years. He participates in drama andspeech classes. They perform everysemester. When Carson isn’t rehearsing lines,singing, or practicing an instrument, he isplaying tennis or video games.

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CASSIDY TATTERSHALLStudent Age 11 Hi! My name is Cassidy Tattershall and Iam 11 years old and I’m from Skiatook,Oklahoma. This is my first ever time going tobootcamp and I’m excited to learn newthings! I previously was in my first school play andeven got to do a magic trick for theaudience!In the meantime while I’m not dazzling thecrowd, I like to paint, play video games,and make videos.

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CECILIA HUGHESStudent Age 7This is Cici’s second year as an officialboot camper, even though she has beenaround boot camp her whole life. Cici is full of energy and enthusiasm. Sheloves singing, dancing, rollerblading,coloring, playing with her cousins, andbeing with her family.

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CELYNA DESHAWStudent Age 12 Celyna DeShaw is an energetic 12 yearold, who has performed at Marr StreetProductions since the age of 5. She studies drama, dance, vocal, violin,and guitar, and will soon be getting herDan Bo in Taekwondo. In her spare time, Celyna enjoys reading,painting, and building with spare parts.

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Student Age 17CLAIRE BEVANSHey, I'm Claire Bevans, back at bootcampfor my third year. Singing has been aconstant in my life, always finding myplace in choirs over the years. Beyond the mic, I've been stepping intothe world of ballet. You'll typically catchme honing my pointe technique at theDance and Fitness Studio in Monmouth,Oregon. I've been at it since around agefour, so it's practically second nature. Looking forward to another year of growthand good vibes at bootcamp!

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ELLA SMITHStudent Age 5Ella Smith loves singing, climbing, and herbrother Finn. She is a happy, spunky, brightlittle girl who is excited for her second year atBootcamp!

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ERIKA ROBLESStudent Age 17 Erika is a bubbly person with a contagioussmile. She loves learning. She has a passionfor all the arts. She's a musical being! Erika has participated in Honors, District, andState choirs, in ensembles, and as a soloist.She can pick up any instrument and learn it ina heartbeat. Dances all disciplines andteaches at her studio. Loves acting and performing. When she findstime for all else, she enjoys sports, athletics,and anything crafty or fun. Erika is so excited to be in Boot Camp!

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EVA BOWMANStudent Age 11Eva is excited to be at Song andStage Bootcamp for the second time. She recently earned a placein the all-county chorus for her 6th gradeyear, and won top singer in her middle schooltalent show amongst a field of 6th, 7th and8th graders. She just performed as Lily in Annie Jr.Whenshe is not singing, she canbe found hanging out with her Sheepadoodlepuppy, Kota.

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GARYSON HUGHESStudent 9Garyson is full of energy and enthusiasm!When it comes to incredible eye handcoordination...Garyson has it, especiallywhen playing video games or eventhrowing things (the kid’s gotta heck of anarm). He's a real go-getter who never gives upand always works hard with a smile on hisface. Garyson started playing the piano this yearand is a natural! He loves to sit at thepiano and sing while practicing his songs. He also loves anything to do with sports orjust running around and playing outside. All in all, Garyson is an awesome kid whois sure to brighten up your day with hispositive attitude.

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GEORGE HUGHESStudent Age 16George seems to have a knack for almostanything he tries. He loves learning and challenging himselfwith new things. He plays the piano andthe ukulele. George loves to play strategy games andsports like basketball, pickleball,rollerblading and Football.

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HADLEY JENSENStudent 10Hadley Jensen is ten years old and theyoungest of two. She was born and raisedhere in Branson, which suits her perfectlybecause she is a natural born performer.Practically ever since she could speak,she has been singing. She could often befound outside serenading the neighborswith songs of her own creation. She has been taking voice lessons for anumber of years, and participates in herschool choir. One of her favorite pasttimes is putting on impromptu shows withher friends for her family to enjoy. When she’s not performing or busy withfriends, she spends the majority of hertime practicing gymnastics at the YMCA.She has been competing for three yearsand recently won first place in state and inregionals. She also enjoys doing aerialsilks in what little spare time she has.

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HALEY CONNERStudent ?My name is Haley Conner, and this is myfirst year at Song and Stage Bootcamp. I am an upcoming senior at Fort CalhounHigh School in Nebraska. Some of my favorite activities includechoir, show choir, musicals, one act plays,cheerleading, and track. When not involved with these activities, Ienjoy reading, travelling, hanging out withmy friends, and Nebraska football.

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JAMES HUGHESStudent Age 11James takes on every show with adorableenthusiasm. Most everything he doesbecomes a big adventure. In fact, youcould describe almost everything he doesas “big”—big smile, big tantrums, biglaugh, big heart. He loves playing gamesand messing around with his cousins. Fora little guy, he is very coordinated andpicks things up quickly. And of course, heloves singing—after all, he is a Hughes.James is ten years old and is the 14th of15 children.

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JAYDEN HONEYCUTTStudent Age 12 Jayden is 12 years old and loves to sing. Shestarted showing interest in singing aroundage 8 and started out singing gospel songswith her papa. She also loves singing countrymusic and has shown a little interest indancing. Jayden is so what shy, but once sheopens up, you will see a child who lovesmusic and has a heart of gold.

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JET VALENTINEBOWMANStudent Age 11Jet Valentine Bowman is thrilled for theopportunity to be at the Song and StageBootcamp. She loves musical theater andhas performed songs from musicals suchas Wicked, Newsies, and the AddamsFamily at local venues in Virginia. Thisyear she was able to perform as Annie inAnnie Jr.Jet's other interests include producing andrecording music, video editing, andspending time with her friends.

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JULIA HUGHESStudent Age 14Julia is fourteen years old, and theyoungest in her family. She is bright andhas a very animated personality! She hasa love for all things art, and when she’snot drawing, reading or singing, she enjoyshanging out with her plethora of cousins.Julia also adores playing with her family’scat, Nutmeg. This is her seventh year atBoot Camp, and she is very excited to behere.

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JONAS HUGHESStudent Age 16Jonas is 16 old and is number five in thelineup of seven children. Being one of theyounger children in his family, he hasbenefited from observing his older siblings'good examples as they have performed inthe Hughes Music Show. He has a greatability to charm audiences with hisexuberant singing.He has learned to perform with personalityand is enthusiastic about entertaining. Inhis spare time, Jonas enjoys playing thepiano, reading, playing word puzzlegames, and enjoys many outdooractivities. He also enjoys studyingGerman.

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LEXIE BEABERStudent Age 16Alexandra Beaber (Lexie) is 16 years old andis soon to be a senior at Rockwall Heath HighSchool in Texas. Lexie loves to perform and entertain forothers! She is currently apart of her school’sacappella group, INFINITI, which recentlywon 2nd place at the InternationalCompetition of High School Acappella(ICHSA) in New York!! Lexie loves chai lattes, thrifting, mangos,pickleball, and being outdoors. She is soexcited and grateful to be back in Branson for3rd year!! Lexie wants to thank her parents, friends, andteachers for their support and love! She can’twait to learn new things and meet new people:)

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LIA GEORGEStudent Age 18 I’m Lia, this is my first year at boot camp! Ilove to sing, crochet, and read! I’ve donemusicals, vocal lessons, straight plays,winter guard, and choir! I’m about to studyVocal Performance in college! I am soexcited about Bootcamp!

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LIBY WESTStudent Age 12 Liby is 12 years old and lives in GlenwoodSprings, Colorado. She will be in theeighth grade next year and will continueenjoying theater and vocal music classesas she has in previous years of school. In 2024 Liby auditioned for and wasselected to sing at the South WestAmerican Choral Directors Associationconference in Denver, Colorado. She has since been teaching herself toplay guitar, and piano, and has alreadywritten several original songs and plans onlearning as many instruments as she canin the future.

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LUCY HUGHESStudent Age 13Lucy is known for her powerful voice andendless creativity. She loves singing, dancing and being onstage. She is also a voracious reader. If you don’thear her singing at the top of her lungsaround the house it’s probably becauseshe is quietly cuddled up with a booksomewhere.

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Student Age 12LYDIA HUGHESLydia is 12 years old, and of sevenchildren, is technically number six. She isjust one minute older than her twinbrother, Newell.She loves performing, and even at heryoung age, Lydia is a seasoned performerin the Hughes Music Show. She has beenprivileged to sing solos, and is prompt anddependable in her daily performances. Lydia's bubbly personality and enthusiasmfor things she loves is apparent ineverything she does. She enjoys playing athome with her siblings, and playing at thetheatre with her many cousins… especiallyall the little babies in the family.

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MADISON HUGHESStudent Age 8When she was one, Madison showed signsof being a natural on stage. She played"Baby Jesus” in her family’s Christmasshow and frequently tried to steal bothmicrophones and the spotlight from hernearby fellow performers. Madison haswatched her older siblings at bootcampand has eagerly awaited participating too.She is 8 years old and is the youngest of15 children.

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MARAGRET WESTStudent Age 9 Margaret West has a personality thatmatches her red hair, fun and sassy!Margaret is 8 years old and the youngestof five children. She enjoys drawing, family time, targetpractice with her 22 rifle, fishing, hikingand playing with her nephew, Opy. Most ofall, Margaret enjoys singing. Wherever she is, she is sure to be fillingthe air with her voice. This will beMargaret’s second year attending the Songand Stage Bootcamp.

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MYA CROWTHERStudent Age 16I am Mya Crowther, and I am 16 years old.I live in Reeds Spring, MO. I love to singand perform. This year I was in districtchoir and went to state. I was also in Branson High School’sproduction of Mamma Mia. I have been inseveral other plays and singingcompetitions. I made it to the finals of Dixie’s Got Talent.I have been in Utah COPA Tuachan(Conservatory of Performing Arts), and Ihave had several years of vocal instructionwith Phillipe Clark Hall. My goal is to become a famous singer. I’mlooking forward to attending bootcamp.

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MILA HUGHESMila is a first-time boot camper with a fierypersonality! She may come across as shyat first, but crack open her shell and you’llbe treated to a bubbly personality and anunforgettable giggle. Arts & crafts, videogames, and being barefoot are her jam! Student Age 6

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MYLEA HOLMESStudent Age 16Mylea Holmes is 16 years old and is goingto be a senior this upcoming year. She hasbeen doing theater for over 13 years andhas been in over 25 productions. She wasjust cast in her dream show “Newsies theMusical” and is looking forward to it in thefall. In college she wants to double majorin theater and psychology. This is her thirdyear at bootcamp and it’s by far thehighlight of her year!

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NATALIE HUGHESStudent Age 16Natalie Hughes is 16 years old and the thirdchild in a family of four. She lives here inBranson and has been performing with herfamily her entire life. She loves both dancing and singing, butwould definitely say singing is what sheenjoys the most. Natalie also has interest incooking, baking, and reading books. She isan avid bookworm, and usually has a bookwith her wherever she goes. When she’s not reading, she’s probablyperforming, working, rehearsing, sleeping, orhanging out with her cousins. This is her 7th year at bootcamp and shecan’t wait to see what this year brings.

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NEWELL HUGHESStudent Age 12Newell is 12, and the youngest of sevenchildren (only by 1 minute to Lydia, histwin sister). Newell is a fun loving,enthusiastic, and sweet little boy... well, assweet as little boys can be. He likes to berambunctious at times with his manycousins, but has a gentle, soft natureabout him as well. He enjoys performing inthe Hughes Music Show, and is developingquite a personality in performance for oneso young. When he isn't at the theatre, heenjoys building with Legos and playingoutside... Careful, he has captured manyhearts with his sweetness.

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NOAH HUGHESStudent age 12For a young boy, Noah is a bit of a deepthinker and a sweet boy. Many a girl hascommented on his beautiful brown eyesand handsome good looks. But don’t let any of that fool you becausehe can still romp around and keep up withthe other boys. He pretty much loves allthings most young boys love: playing war,sports, and games, and eating food(peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,specifically). He also has a sweet voice and performswith energetic exuberance in the HughesMusic Show and Revibe where he lovesperforming with his family. Noah is twelve years old and is the 13th of15 children.

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OLIVER HUGHESStudent Age 11Oliver has been enjoying singing andperforming more and more and it shows inthe development of his talent. Some of his favorite pastimes arerollerblading, football, soccer, basketballand, of course, eating. He loves to try new things and haveadventures, especially with his cousins. Oliver is also a pro at staying awake whenit’s time to go to bed. 100% boy throughand through.

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RACHEL HESSStudent age 8Rachel Hess is 8 years old (turning 9years old on the Saturday of Bootcamp!)from Milford, Michigan. Rachel has watched her older sister atBootcamp for the past several years and isexcited to be at her first Song and StageBootcamp. She is quite an artist. She loves to drawand paint in her free time. Rachel has a special place in her heart forall animals but especially the puppies herfamily breeds. Rachel’s bubbly personality andenthusiasm is apparent in everything shedoes.

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SAMANTHA THOMASStudent Age 17I’m Samantha Thomas I am so grateful andhappy to be participating in my 4th year insong and stage Bootcamp. I’m going to be a senior at Fort CalhounHigh School. My hobbies include Show choir, One Act,Musicals, Basketball and track.

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SAMUEL HUGHESStudent Age 15Samuel is the 12th child of 15. He lovesbeing on stage and performing with hisfamily where singing and dancing are justsecond nature to him (since he has donethose things his entire life). He is a boy, through and through. He lovessports, has a very natural athleticism, andis way more interested in parkour than hismother would like. He adores rompingthrough the forest behind his house withhis siblings, inventing imaginativeadventures for them to play out, andclimbing in trees. He enjoys messing with his dad’s tools—building, tinkering, and inventing things.He also likes being by himself so he canconcentrate on other things he enjoys, likemath, or just thinking about how the worldworks and why things are the way theyare. For a young rambunctious boy, he canbe surprisingly sensitive and affectionate.

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SARIAH THOMPSONStudent Age 13Sariah is the youngest of seven childrenand one of three girls. She comes from along line of women who appreciate andperform musically. She was initially drawn to instruments butgravitated to voice when she started takinglessons. She has had the opportunity toperform in a few recitals and publicperformances. She loves music and aspires to play manymore instruments. Sariah practicesdiligently every day to improve her talents. In addition to expressing her talentsthrough music, Sariah holds an amateurradio license, where she has gainedcommunication skills and offers her time tothe community through service events. She also enjoys playing soccer, camping,games, and spending time with family.

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SAYLOR HUGHESStudent Age 8 This is Saylor’s 2nd year at Boot Camp.She is kind, creative, and has a huge heartfor animals. Her passion for music onlygrows stronger as she continues takingvocal lessons and has recently taken uppiano.

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SOLOMON GEORGEStudent Age 15 I’m Solomon and I am 15. This is my firstyear coming to camp, and have neverdone something like this before. I’ve done sports through out school. Myfavorites are track, cross country, andwrestling. I’m nervous about boot camp but ready totry something new.

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TRYSTAN CROWTHERStudent Age 14 My name is Trystan Crowther; I am 14years old and live in Reeds Spring, MO. Ihave acting and singing training fromCOPA (Conservatory of Performing Arts)and the church choir. I play the piano and clarinet a little bit.Some of the things I enjoy doing aresinging on stage with my brother andsister, listening to music, and figuring outhow to play it on the piano and clarinet. I look forward to attending the Song andStage Bootcamp to gain more experienceand confidence in my singing abilities.

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SEE YOUin 2025in 2025